The Church of Christ Holiness unto the Lord, Inc. is in reality a continuation of the first century church, which was born on the Day of Pentecost. In an upper room, in the city of Jerusalem, about one-hundred and twenty followers of the risen Lord were baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire. These God-anointed witnesses were so endued with power from on high, that they virtually turned the world upside down. Those first church-men went everywhere preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church of Christ Holiness unto the Lord began in the period between 1925 and 1927, as a Holiness sect, in Savannah, Georgia, through the leadership of Elder Milton Solomon Bennett, who was a building contractor and formerly a member of the Methodist Church in Hardeeville, South Carolina.
In 1926, a small band of saints organized The Church of Christ Holiness unto the Lord. The name for the church was taken from Romans 16:16, CHURCH OF CHRIST, and Zech. 14:20, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. It may be referred to as the C.C.H.L. This Church, from its very beginning, was purposed to be a church were Chris t would be fully honored as "Head of the Church" where Christ, the true gospel, could be fully preached, where righteousness and true holiness would be practiced, and where worldliness and immoral sins would not be tolerated.
The Church of Christ Holiness unto the Lord does not claim to be the only true church, but does assert its place as one of the few Holiness bodies that stresses true Holiness and proclaims the gospel message of full salvation.